The Hemp & Sustainable Design Blog

vintage finds

  • What is a Wellness Home?

    What is a Wellness Home?

    Stress, food habits and environment all have an impact on our health. A wellness home is a space that is created keeping in mind the environment that a person needs for healthier living.

    Wellness homes offer home buyers a healthier and sustainable living space. Most of these wellness homes concentrate on a few basic factors like air, water, light, nourishment, fitness, mind and comfort.

  • 7 Effortless Home Designs using Natural Elements

    Organic home decor fits seamlessly with many styles. It is something that has been interwoven into many design trends over time, but is just now becoming popular as a stand-alone design aesthetic. While it might sound like a style that is hard to take from lofty concept and put into tangible action, it’s actually quite simple. Today, we will learn 7 simple ways to bring the natural world inside for quality, comfort and beautiful organic home decor.